On Saturday, February 17th, our founder Tanya Saga (from Ecuador) and Ibaraki Prefecture International Student Goodwill Ambassador Troptchin Nikita (from Ukraine) were invited to participate as hosts in the 33rd Japanese Speech Contest for Foreigners organized by the Ibaraki Prefecture International Exchange Association, where 15 people from seven different countries around the world shared their experiences in Japan.
Their speech topics were based on their impressions in their encounters with Japanese culture and were intended to promote mutual understanding. There were participants with different Japanese levels; some could speak professional business Japanese, and others were starting their Japanese language learning journey. However, all were reunited there to express themselves and offer a unique perspective on how they are increasing their knowledge of Japanese society and culture while, at the same time, sharing their own culture.
The Ibaraki Prefecture International Exchange Association has invited Tanya to other events in the past as a speaker, so collaboration has been fruitful since many years ago. One of its main purposes is to integrate foreign nationals into Japanese society, which is a value shared with Active Life. Both organizations are working hard for a more inclusive and diverse social environment.
The 15 participants were selected from 36 registered people and each one had five minutes to speak. They were from the United States, Indonesia, the Netherlands, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Myanmar. The first three winners were awarded with cash prizes donated by different sponsors, and all the participants received many other presents . The first prize was for Diana Rizki Oktarina (from Indonesia), who talked about her use of the hijab in Japan and how others react to her cultural custom, which is uncommon here.
You can watch the video until March 31st in the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtUdthGCGeg
This is a contest that takes place every year. To participate you must live in Ibaraki Prefecture, and the minimum age is 15 years old. Registration starts in mid October. You can find more information here: https://www.ia-ibaraki.or.jp/project/event/speech-contest/

Prize winner
Ibaraki Prefecture Governor’s Award
“Hijab culture from Japan” Diana Rizki Oktarina (from Indonesia)
Ibaraki Prefectural Assembly Chairman Award
“Omote and Ura” Sai Geikyou (from China)
Ibaraki Prefecture Superintendent of Education Award
“Oishi International Relations” Nguyen Ngoc Tuan (from Vietnam)
Hibari Award
“My life as an exchange student in Japan: What I felt and thought through my life as an exchange student” Tou Shikan (from China)
The Japanese Volunteer Award
“Hijab culture from Japan” Diana Rizki Oktarina (from Indonesia)
Youth Award
“Oishi International Relations” Nguyen Ngoc Tuan (from Vietnam)
Source: https://www.ia-ibaraki.or.jp/post-6077/
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