About Us

Active Life is a voluntary organization established in Japan in 2022, with the goal to contribute to society through sports, culture and education.

  1. International cooperation.
  2. Academic, cultural, artistic and sports events.
  3. Social education.
  4. Community development activities.

Among the lines of action is the axis of "education, health and well-being,” in which the execution of projects are aligned and promoted with the organization’s activities.


Active Life aims to contribute to Japanese society by carrying out projects involving local people and international residents living in Japan.
We use language education and sports as tools to improve the quality of life of the participants, while providing opportunities to interact with the community through international cultural exchange. We intend to ease the process of starting a new life in Japan by helping newcomers build a foundation for life in the local communities.


Connect the community through cultural exchanges for a better well-being.

We educate through language, sports, art, and cultural exchange.

Name and logo

Active Life logo

Active Life’s logo represents a healthy lifestyle that leads to happiness. “Active” implies practicing sports and being part of recreational activities that  can be shared by all the people.

Art is also part of Active Life’s inspiration. While she was painting, Tanya Saga, founder of this project, created our logo using the colors of the Olympic rings, each one representing one of the five continents. Moreover, one of these are the predominant colors in all countries’ flags. For Tanya,  combining them is a way to stand for world peace. Also, she imagined the sun’s rays illuminating our lives with “bright happiness,” which is what this organization wants to share with all of you. Let’s enjoy an Active Life!

Active Life’s Values Proposal

What is interesting?

We connect the community through language skills and the specialized areas of our team in sports, art, and cross-cultural understanding.

What is different?

Our exchanges offer a unique experience for both the local community and international residents.

What is exciting?

Integration through diversity helps people to adapt and respect different values, taking the best of each culture. In this way, we create a peaceful environment to enjoy life.

Active Life and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG Wheel
SDG's goals
  1. Good health and well-being 

We provide exchange activities for promoting healthy lifestyles through recreation, sports, art, and culture. Live happy while being active and healthy.

  1. Quality Education 

Education is the key to development. We focus on language education and teach about different cultures; this ​​gives our students a global vision of the world surrounding them, which are tools to understand others and improve communication. In addition, our exchange events also promote education in sports, art, and culture.

  1. Reduce inequality 

We integrate a community of diverse nationalities, ages, and abilities to enjoy our programs and give opportunities to work in different fields of specialization. Also, learning another culture and language allows our students to socialize and empathize with other populations and generate ties and alliances.

  1. Partnership for the goals

We collaborate with local governments, universities, embassies, and organizations to achieve our goals.

Our Story

Tanya Saga

Founder of Active Life- Educator, Translator & Researcher
Photo of Tanya

I started Active Life when I realized how much Kendo –one of the most prestigious Japanese martial arts– changed my life. I practice it since 2006 and, at present, I have achieved 5 dan. During my student years, I had the opportunity to join cultural exchanges and internships in education. To complete my studies, I did a master’s program in development through sports in Japan while being an elite sports player. I was also involved in development cooperation projects and worked with Japanese national organizations. In my daily life, I use Spanish, which is my mother tongue, English and Japanese. I also learned French and Italian at university. The approach to these five languages and involvement in development projects made me realize how intercultural understanding can improve through language education, sports, art, and cultural exchange.

Having established a family in Japan, I became aware of the issues that need solutions concerning relationships between international residents and the local community. For this reason, I am willing to be a bridge between Japanese and international residents, helping to pave the path for the next generation of multicultural families. Working in education, I noticed that my coworkers share the same values I am eager to work for, such as helping Japanese and international residents live in a peaceful and happy society. And that is why we joined together.

Photo of TanyaI started Active Life when I realized how much Kendo –one of the most prestigious Japanese martial arts– changed my life. During my student years, I had the opportunity to join cultural exchanges and internships in education. To complete my studies, I did a master’s program in development through sports in Japan while being an elite sports player. I was also involved in development cooperation projects and worked with Japanese national organizations. In my daily life, I use Spanish, which is my mother tongue, English and Japanese. I also learned French and Italian at university. The approach to these five languages and involvement in development projects made me realize how intercultural understanding can improve through language education, sports, art, and cultural exchange.

Having established a family in Japan, I became aware of the issues that need solutions concerning relationships between international residents and the local community. For this reason, I am willing to be a bridge between Japanese and international residents, helping to pave the path for the next generation of multicultural families. Working in education, I noticed that my coworkers share the same values I am eager to work for, such as helping Japanese and international residents live in a peaceful and happy society. And that is why we joined together.

Photo of Tanya

Meet Our Team

JoAnn's photo
I am a TESOL teacher from the Philippines. While teaching English, I've seen many students needing more engagement with the lessons. That is why I decided to use modern techniques to increase the student's attention. My primary motivation for joining Active Life is to meet new people and find new ways of teaching.
JoAnn Hayashi
English Coordinator
Kyoko's photo
I have a bachelor's degree in International Welfare Development. After graduating, I worked with children and families, supporting the lives of foreigners living in Japan and teaching Japanese to foreign children. I wanted to help them further through language. So I obtained a Japanese language teaching qualification. I can teach Japanese to children and adults.
Kyoko Shibata
Japanese Coordinator
Eli's photo
I am a Biologist with an MSc. in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (Finland), currently working as a researcher at the Institute of Public Health (Ecuador). I have two passions: Microbiology and languages. With a Spanish certification, I teach students willing to visit or study in Hispanic countries, or improve job opportunities. In Active Life, I develop our syllabus, deliver lessons and prepare the material.
Eliana Veloz
Spanish Coordinator
Photo of Karen
I'm an Ecuadorian architect living in Japan. In Active Life, I perform diverse activities such as teaching English and Spanish, preparing lessons for each student considering their requirements and goals, and arranging schedules to ensure the student's request for classes matches the teacher's availability. Besides this, I work with the management team and contribute ideas for ongoing projects.
Karen Pullupaxi
Assistant Coordinator
Pia's photo
I am from Ecuador, and I live in Japan. In Active Life, I teach Spanish and English and am in charge of the contents of Active Life's website and blog. I studied Communications and Literature and obtained Spanish teaching and TESOL certifications. I have experience teaching Spanish to non-English speakers and writing for the media.
Pia Molina
Writer & Content Developer
Photo of Valeria
I am a Sociologist (Ecuador) with a Masters in Anthropology: Advanced Research and Social Intervention (Spain). I've worked in education, gender, sports, and art. My focus is on educational research and education through art, like the "Social Circus Pedagogy," aiming to help people at risk and the social development of their community. I also have a certificate from UNTREF (Argentina).
Valeria Gomez Araujo
Social Circus Coordinator
Takaki's photo
I support the Active Life management team with my experience developing sports and education programs.
Tough: I practiced judo for a long time, and I'm confident in my physical strength
Active: I am physically and mentally active for a healthy lifestyle.
Kind: Doing everything with kindness results in a positive life.
Able: I put my 100% in everything I do.
Keen: I am always keen, which allows me to think clearly.
Inclusive: Our differences don't matter in building strong connections.
Takaki Mizushima
Certified Educator
Photo of Emi
I'm half Ecuadorian–Japanese, living in Italy. I grew up between two marvelous but completely different cultures and became part of a third one. These have helped me understand how important and enriching it is to create bridges and exchange knowledge which is my role connecting people in Active Life‘s podcast. In my life, I construct those bridges through art, dance, music, and sports.
Emi Domon
Podcast Host
My name is Takeshi Irie, and I am a Japanese-language teacher in Active Life. When I was a teenager, I asked myself how I wanted to live from that point, and the answer was: “I want to help people.” At the time, I didn't know how to do so. However, after some experience, I received a certificate to teach Japanese ten years ago and began supporting foreigners living in Japan. I have been doing that since 2020, and I am happy to have this opportunity again.
Takeshi Irie
Community Exchange
Foto Yuka
My name is Yuka Abe, a master’s student at Tsukuba University. I have loved physical activity since I was a child, and now my major sport is handball. In Active Life, I teach sports and physical activities in both Japanese and English. I also report on and assist with events. If you like physical activity (or not), want to learn English, make friends, or have fun together, feel free to join us. Everyone is welcome.
Yuka Abe
Assistant Coordinator
I hold a Ph.D. in anthropology and have dedicated myself to studying various aspects of Japanese culture. My academic interests include teaching and researching topics related to social sciences and languages. My academic work on Budo in Japan made me aware of the potential of martial arts to teach people of all ages, which led me to collaborate with the Active Life team.
Gil Vicente N. Lourençao
Budo Exchange
Photo of Monika
I am an English teacher from Poland with experience working with elementary students. I've helped them develop their language skills in fun and engaging ways. I'm also a freelance web developer with a keen eye for design and coding expertise, creating beautiful, user-friendly websites for my clients. I'm passionate about both and always bring a positive, can-do attitude to everything I do.
Monika Yamaguchi
Web Developer/English Teacher
Naoko's photo
I grew up in Japan and have been teaching English for over a decade. 'Social inclusion, appropriate physical activity, and English instruction' are my specialties. I am the founder and representative director of Little Oranges, a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) for children with developmental problems. As an advisor of Active Life, I guide for further ways of collaboration and enhancement.
Naoko Hino
Advisor/Chief Director of NPO Little Oranges
Athena Languages logo

Our Teachers

Claudia's photo
I am from Cuba and work in Japan in the educational field. I am a teacher with experience in education with children from elementary school to young adults.
Claudia Perez
English/Spanish Teacher
Jose's photo
I am from El Salvador. I have a Major in education and work as a teacher in an international school. I have experience preparing students for Spanish proficiency exams and in English Language and literature.
Jose Garcia
English/Spanish Teacher
Manjiri's photo
I'm a bilingual (English-Japanese) scientist and teacher, passionate about yoga, meditation, and cooking. The moment I cherish the most is when I communicate and listen to my fellow students. I'm looking forward to many more happy learnings with Active Life.
Manjiri Kulkarni
English Teacher
Photo of Veronica
I'm a Peruvian living in Japan. I'm a professional educator and have been an English teacher for over 12 years. I love everything related to education. Exchanging ideas with students and learning from them is what I enjoy the most. I'm happy to work with Active Life because I can connect with people through their learning journey.
Veronica Franco
English Teacher
I'm Hiyon! I came to Japan from Korea 12 years ago. I'm currently studying for a PhD at the University of Tokyo. Let's have fun studying together.
Hiyon (South Korea)
English/Japanese Teacher
Jose's photo
I am from El Salvador. I have a Major in education and work as a teacher in an international school. I have experience preparing students for Spanish proficiency exams and in English Language and literature.
Jose Garcia
English/Spanish Teacher
Manjiri's photo
I'm a bilingual (English-Japanese) scientist and teacher, passionate about yoga, meditation, and cooking. The moment I cherish the most is when I communicate and listen to my fellow students. I'm looking forward to many more happy learnings with Active Life.
Manjiri Kulkarni
English Teacher
Photo of Veronica
I'm a Peruvian living in Japan. I'm a professional educator and have been an English teacher for over 12 years. I love everything related to education. Exchanging ideas with students and learning from them is what I enjoy the most. I'm happy to work with Active Life because I can connect with people through their learning journey.
Veronica Franco
English Teacher