Tsukubamirai citizens have a great interest in foods from around the world. They hold a World Food Event with international residents, who introduce their hometown cuisine to the local community.
On this occasion, Tanya Saga went there to prepare Ecuadorian food. The menu was a potato patty stuffed with cheese, called ‘llapingachos,’ typical of the Ecuadorian highlands.
The 12 Japanese attendees enjoyed preparing and learning about Ecuador and its food. In the end, all ate the llapingachos together and had a good time.
Tsukubamirai City is located between Tsukuba and Joso cities. The organizer of these events, Mr. Kageki, works hard to keep the community interested in multicultural events. He is also in charge of another project named ‘Nihongo Hiroba’ 日本語ひろば (or Japanese Language Plaza), where volunteer Japanese citizens teach their language for free to foreigners interested in learning.

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