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Last weekend, Active Life participated in two sports events held at international schools in Tsukuba and Joso, a city with a large international community, especially from Brazil.

During the events, Active Life was part of cultural exchanges through sports between the students and our volunteers, who shared their knowledge of kendo and handball, and hosted other intercultural activities.

The first was on Friday, October 13th, when three members of Active Life participated in a Brazilian School event. Gil, from Brazil, introduced kendo and Japanese culture to the students; Yuka, from Japan, who is a handball coach and physical educator, did the warming up with different games using balls. And Tanya, from Ecuador, the founder of Active Life and their Physical Education teacher, made the kids play games where they could relate to each other and form teams.



The next day, on Saturday, October 14th, four members of Active Life went to another international school to assist during the Sports Day (undokai 運動会), helping to coordinate the games.

Yuka, Joann, Karen, and Tanya joined to support various activities where the students had a lot of fun while using skills such as concentration, speed, and strategy. 

At the end, teachers and parents were satisfied and happy with how the event took place, noticing how well-organized it was. The principal values were solidarity, respect, teamwork, and effort. The same values that Active Life stands for.



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