Athena Languages

We offer daily conversation practice, exams preparation and business communication

The Athena Languages Project is our teaching platform. We offer opportunities for everyone, whether you want to start from zero on your learning journey or improve and practice your target language. We design personalized online courses to help you meet your specific goals and needs. You can choose from individual or group lessons. We will be happy to have you among our students! 

Goal 4 Quality Education (SDG's)

Education is the key to development. We focus on language education and teach about different cultures; this ​​gives our students a global vision of the world surrounding them, which are tools to understand others and improve communication. In addition, our exchange events also promote education in sports, art, and culture.

Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities (SDG's)

We integrate a community of diverse nationalities, ages, and abilities to enjoy our programs and give opportunities to work in different fields of specialization. Also, learning another culture and language allows our students to socialize and empathize with other populations and generate ties and alliances.

English class for adults led by Tanya

Current courses