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5 Podcasts To Improve Your Japanese

Depending On Your Level

When you study Japanese in your home country, the lack of opportunities to listen and practice what you learn can be a little bit frustrating. Also, not using Japanese daily can lead to easily forgetting the vocabulary you studied, even when you are taking lessons regularly. But don’t panic; nowadays, we are so lucky to have technology on our side. We have access to fun and interesting information in different formats. One of the most popular ways to practice listening to Japanese is ‘anime’ or Japanese movies and dramas. Those may be good options, but it is not always the best source of real Japanese conversations, so another way to improve your listening skills is the PODCASTS!

There are many types of Podcasts available on the internet. Whether you like Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or any other platform, you can find them easily. Moreover, you can choose from plenty depending on your level and commitment. Among those, here is an introduction to some podcasts you can listen to for beginner, intermediate, or advanced students, especially for those aiming to speak and communicate in casual speech with friends and family when visiting Japan. But they are not limited to people living overseas. Even for students in Japan, these podcasts are an excellent option to practice listening:

1. Beginning Japanese Phrases (N5):

Your vocabulary is not already extended when starting your Japanese language study path. So, listening to podcasts that combine explanations in your language is recommended. Most Japanese students can understand English, and many teachers create content for students to explain grammar and meanings in English. Hence, some guidance is important for beginners to have a minimal understanding. This podcast is for total beginners and uses a 1-minute format.


2. N4&N5 ながラジオ (naga radio)

N4&N5 Naga Radio is hosted by a female teacher who speaks clearly and is easy to follow. Her episodes are mostly about Japanese culture using vocabulary from JLPT N4 and N5 levels, with a 3 to 9 minutes format. This podcast is for students who already have basic knowledge of Japanese.

Script and links to the podcast:

3. Let’s Talk in Japanese! By Tomo Sensei (N2-N4)

This podcast has short talks of a maximum of 20 minutes on different topics (mostly grammar and life in Japan) for various levels based on the JLPT. Tomo Sensei writes in the titles of the episodes what level of Japanese corresponds to.

Script of the episodes and links to your favorite platform:

4. Let’s Learn Japanese from Small Talk! (N2-N3)

Each episode of this podcast is a conversation between two young girls talking about different topics, from food to opinions on trendy news, between 30 to 50 minutos. A practical feature of their podcast is that they kindly upload vocabulary with meanings in English.

Vocabulary list and episodes:

5. 深夜の寝落ちラジオ (Shinya no neochi radio), by Junnosuke (N1-N2)

This podcast is available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. It is not created especially for Japanese students, but you can practice listening to a very natural Japanese speech about the daily life of Junnosuke, a university student from Japan who lives in Hokkaido. He uploads episodes daily (around 30 minutes each), so you have plenty of Japanese talks to enjoy.

Junnosuke’s YouTube channel:


We hope you enjoyed this first list of podcast suggestions; please, comment if you try them, and don’t forget to check out our Japanese language classes. We have a variety of options for you. 

Thank you for reading.

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