On the last 14th of May, we launched our first intercultural event of the year in Joso City, Ibaraki, where many foreigners live. Every year, Joso’s municipality organizes the “Senhime Matsuri,” a traditional festival. This year included a zone called World Festa; inside this section, we introduced our GAMES OF THE WORLD proposal, consisting of a variety of games from different countries. There were stands from Japan, Brazil, Philipines, Vietnam, and Ecuador.
In the GAMES OF THE WORLD, people could participate in each stand playing a game hosted by nationals of each country. There were games like Karuta, with questions to make people practice their English skills, and an inclusive recreation Boccia moderated by Active Life’s members and other volunteers, like juggling among other Japanese games. When finished, participants received gifts like chocolates, Mexican Doritos, or a box of Chifles, a traditional Ecuadorian salty snack.
This event was made possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Municipality of Joso City and the help of organizations like JICA and our collaborator Little Oranges (Japan), Sekido (Ecuadorians in Japan), and the Embassy of Ecuador. Our supporters and volunteer members came to the Civic Square of Joso City. They helped in the different activities as masters of ceremony, musicians, dancers, hosts, distributors of Active Life’s flyers, or assisting in the games stands.
Many people, both Japanese and foreign residents, took part in our activities; they not only enjoyed the games but also had a fun moment playing, interacting with each other, and listening to live music by Paraguayan harpist Yuki Harao and Brazilian kid’s drum and clarinet players, Hanaso Kenzo and Moeka Moeca, and watching a traditional dancer performance by Jose Hurtado from Ecuador, which made this event a perfect moment for people of all ages and different nationalities to interact, be happy, active and healthy.
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